



            If this is the first time that you have read my newsletter, I would like to introduce myself: I am a dyslexic, depressed, disgruntled old man with ADD. If you could talk to me, you would scratch your head and say, this guy is nuts because I cant hear you, even with hearing aids on. But I thank God I can write about Jesus and all he has done for me. The Bible says old men will dream dreams. This means remembering the past and learning from it. 


            How did I get to where I am now? Playing inside on a rainy day requires a little boy to exercise his imagination. When I was a little boy, it rained sometimes in Burnham, Pa.; so, of necessity, I would adjust my usual outdoor boyish routine to find other entertainment activities. 


            There were my Daddys big shoes to consider. I remember putting my feet in those big shoes and walking around the house. My Daddy was a big man to me. I couldnt fill the shoes with my little feet, but pretending I was him was funWhen I was a little older, my Daddy worked at Standard Steel and would bring home used saw blades, go to his workshop in the cellar, and make wonderful knives. I can remember watching him and thinking, I want to be just like him when I grow up. Some more memories were walking to the CHURCH OF THE BROTHERN holding Daddys hand, and he let me put my head on his shoulder when the preacher was preaching. The best memory was Dad (Im older now, so he is Dad) crying when I left to go to the Navy. That one broke my heart. I went into the Navy, and God sought me and found me, making me see Him even greater than Dad. However, my dad’s love made me able to accept Father Gods love.  


            I am a World War 2 Brat. Yes, I grew up seeing my mother cry every day and my dad with his ear to the radio listening for news of my brothers in the war. We didn’t have a TV, but we did have the movies. Dad would take me to the movies to see newsreels of the war. And would you believe after the newsreel ended, a man would say, “Let us pray.”  When we got home, Dad would tell Mother all about the newsreel of the war.   I went to my first day of school just after the war broke out. The teacher welcomed us and said, “Let us pray.” we prayed for the boys in the war. Mother and Dad made sure we attended church, and at every service, they mentioned the boys in the service and said, “Let us pray.” 


            I have lived through many wars at my age, but I must say the war on our children, which is not over yet, is the worst this old man has ever encountered. It all started when a cranky old lady took Bible reading and prayer out of our schools. I started school 85 years ago, and all through school, I was taught to love God, my parents, and my country. When I left school, I couldn’t wait to join the Navy to serve my country. Now, our children are taught to hate parents and country and to love sex, even perverted sex or sex change. 


          Yes, old age has its problems, but I have to praise God for allowing me to get this far on planet Earth and see my old age as an answer to prayer. What prayer? I prayed to have more time in prayer and for His continual presence in my life, and He has answered. 


           I have several widow/widower groups on Facebook. Here is an example of how God is using my hurts to help others: Does anyone else feel that during the days, you just get on with whatever needs to be done and your grief is at bay a little bit, but in the evenings/night’s grief creeps up on you (or sometimes it doesnt creep up but slams into you) and you feel more alone and sadder than ever? I am really struggling tonight. Its nearly 4 months since my wonderful husband died.......words cannot describe the void in my heart or the pain at not being able to see him, speak to him, hear his voice or laugh again, hold his hand, have him beside me.... I feel like I could die of sadness. I know I will see him again, but I want to see him right now. I dont want to live without him. I hate that I cant talk to him. This alone and vulnerable feeling is so horrible and daunting. He would be the one I’d talk to if I was ever sad or struggling.   


            My answer: May the LORD bless you and keep you and make His face shine upon you, and give you His peace. Shalom. I feel your hurt. I lost two wives and a son. The first was in divorce, and 2nd went to her room prepared for her by Jesus. I had the void filled by falling in love with Jesus over and over. I still grieve, but when I do, I take my feelings to Jesus, and He is closer and helps me through all the time. Please see Jesus with outstretched arms, wanting to hug you and pour love into that void. Talk to Him and accept His love. Jesus loves you, and so do I. Remember--You are blessed to be a blessing. 



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