MAY 2023 NEWSLETTER

Robert Lindenberger

711 Wager Avenue

Titusville, FL 35780



One month since I left home to take a room in Assisted Living.  When I was in college, I had a History Professor who started his class by saying, “History repeats itself.”  A student asks him, “Does that also go for His Story?”  His answer is, “That is the work of the Holy Spirit.”  In my life, I can say “yes.” I prayed for the Holy Spirit to write a good newsletter and then went on Facebook and see what appeared.

 May 2017 Newsletter (6 yrs ago)

 In my last letter, I said, “If I live one more month down here, we’ll meet again.” Hallelujah, I did live one more month, and so did you.  Thank You, Jesus.  I am no longer in Bethlehem, Pa.  I’m home in Florida and happy to say God helped me go through this month as close to Him as I have ever been in my entire life, one step at a time, sweet Jesus, one step closer to heaven.

I wake up in the morning and hurriedly get myself down to my study to be with the Lord.  He talks to me as clearly as if it was an audible voice in my reading.  I finish reading, get out my prayer journal, and write because I lost the art of verbal communication, and tell him how I feel and tell Him people see me as weak according to world standards.  I want people to see and find Jesus in me.  He answers me, “I know, Bob, that’s why I inspired some men and women to write, and when you read it, you hear Me talking to you.” I say, “Thank You, Jesus.” I remembered back to my classes in Theology under Dr. Earl Wilson, who said, “Read all you can, as much as you can, and read it again; but read the Bible first and know if what you are reading is from God’s Word.” (from my note-taking)

All the above to say how God spoke directly to me through a man who would say, “Now listen!” “What keeps you from enjoying God’s blessing?  What gets in the way of appreciating His people or discerning his purposes for your life?  It’s tempting to blame your circumstances, but maybe it’s something else.  MAYBE IT’S YOU.  (emphasis mine)

“Many people struggle with feelings of discouragement, but by focusing only on the negatives, it’s easy to miss the encouraging truths of God’s Word.

“In Peter’s first letter to persecuted believers, he admonished them to remember their great salvation, eternal hope, and true identity in Christ.  Although circumstances may have left them feeling alone, abandoned, or defeated, the opposite was true.  The Lord had not forgotten them.  In fact, He called them (and us) “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession” (1 Peter 2:9).

“Earlier in his letter, Peter pointed out that we “as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood,” and Christ himself is our cornerstone (vv.5,6).  When we trust in Jesus as our Savior, we receive His Spirit within us and are baptized into His body, the church.  Without purpose or hope, we aren’t individual stones scattered around the ground.  Instead, like a skilled mason who knows exactly where every stone belongs, Christ lovingly places each of us into the spiritual house He’s building.

“Since we have the role of holy priests in this structure, our job is to offer up spiritual sacrifices of praise, service, and obedience (v.5).  But a priest also has the function of intercessor between God and those who don’t know Him.  We are living stones who act as bridge builders to others so they, too, can become part of God’s house.

“I pray the articles in this issue will remind you of your connection to God—and one another—and lead you to reach out to those who don’t know Christ. - -----Charles Stanley, From the Publisher of In Touch Magazine

I hope this writing of the Holy Spirit through Charles Stanley spoke to your heart too.  However, there is something else I would like for you to see concerning Me.  I am struggling to learn to be a writer and write so that you, the reader, would first know the God I love and serve and then know Him and his abundant life.

The God I serve and who adopted me into his own family did that by sending His only begotten Son to earth to show his wonderful creation what he is like.  God also saved a man who became his messenger and told me about Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for my sin and wanted me to believe it and become a child of God.  I did confess my sin and thanked a holy Father for giving me a spiritual life.  I was born anew, and I was a brand-new baby spiritually.  Oh, the Love, the Love that poured over me.  The Love was so great that I wanted to die.  Yes, I did fail to myself.

The story from the Bible of God and mankind begins with a broken relationship.  When sin entered the human race, it severed our communion—our unhindered connection—with the Holy God.  Today, our personal sins continue to be a barrier between us and Him.  The Bible teaches us that “God is Love” (John 4:8).  In fact, he loves us so much that he sent his Son to reconcile us to himself (Col. 1:18-22).  On the cross, Jesus defeated sin and then rose from the grave, triumphing over death.  The God of Love wants you to come to Him now.  Here’s how.  Pray a prayer like this, or use your own words:

Lord Jesus, I believe You died so that I might be accepted as a child of God.  Please forgive me, help me turn from my sins, and show me how to follow You each and every day.  Thank You for saving me and giving me eternal life.  Amen

God is good all the time; all the time, God is good.  Hallelujah, what a savior.

                                                                                    My Father loves you all, and so do I,




NOTE: I would like to hear from you.  If you are on Facebook, give me a thumbs up and a yes if you know Christ as Savior.  If you’re reading this on email  Hit GOT ITand yes.  Jesus loves you, and so do I.



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