September 2024 Newsletter




405 Indian River Ave. #504




God is good all the time; all the time, God is good!  Amen?  Oh yes, let it be so!


            I received a “get out of jail card,” and now I can advance to GO.  Well, I tested positive for Covin and had to spend ten days in my Apartment.  When my ten days were served, and I tested negative for Covin, I sent this to my Facebook friends:                                       

Hallelujah!  Praise God!

I am as happy as I can be,

Because God loves me.

I had a debt I could not pay.

Jesus paid a debt He did not owe.

And He whispers in my ear.

I prepared a place for you to go.

And I am out of solitary confinement.  I tested negative for Covin today.  Ain’t God good??


            My contacting and having Covin was an answer to PRAYER—the day before, I was tested for coven.  I prayed: I have sinned, Lord.  How?  I am addicted to TV, email, and Facebook.  I spent more time on that, and I read your words.  I need your forgiveness, Lord; but I also need your help.  I know you will forgive me, Lord.  And Holy Spirit, help me to follow your leading, guiding, and directing.  We can do this in Jesus’ name.  Amen.


            The next morning, I woke up in a rather light mode, but physically, I was a wreck, coughing and bringing up yellow phlegm.  I did not go down for breakfast.  But got right into my BBB (Bible Before Breakfast) and then prayed: (This is about i/2 down my journey.) Now, four me LORD, I am coughing a bit-- and bringing up yellow phlegm – when I drink, I get spasms.  I’m going down to have it checked  --  I shall return-------.  I’m back -- YES, I HAVE COVEN.  (I prayed some more then---) .  I will end this with you, Jesus, 4 answered prayer.  I prayed.  You have more time with you.  And here we are  -- Isolated 4 - 5 days.  Thank you for loving me even when I have coven.


            After those five days, I was tested again -- still positive.  This meant I could not go to Bible study, so I wrote my followers of the way this:




AUGUST 20, 2024


            Today is the first day of the rest of my life here on planet Earth, sweet Jesus. I may not be with you in person, but I will be with you in spirit as we are with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I also need Jesus’ fellowship and fellowship with my brothers and sisters. That’s why we are here: to lift Jesus up so he can draw men and women to himself and have fellowship with him.


            Last week, I closed with a testimony and prayer.  I would like to repeat that testimony and prayer because the library got a little noisy as I was finishing: God still answers prayer; let me explain.  I prayed last night and thanked Him for answering my prayers.  I added, Lord, I’d like to have a bigger table to read and write on.  What say you?  I closed the prayer, and I went to bed.  The next morning, I was sitting at my table doing my devotions when I heard a knock on my door.  The door opened, and my angel, Becky, said, “We’re here to deliver your table!”


            The above is the answer to prayer.  Now, I will reiterate our discussion.  We were discussing whether I was a hypocrite to simultaneously have lonely feelings and joy.  If we are grieving the loss of a loved one or two, we will feel lonely, but not to the depths of despair.  We call on our Comforter, and he gives us words like these: “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace.  And be thankful” (Colossians 3:15).  Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction (Peace), faithful in prayer” (Romans 12:12).


            This is not like turning on the radio.  It takes my energy (faith) to make it happen.  First, I must accept the fact that I feel lonely.  Second, I must pray.  Third, I must read His word to find the answer.  He is not going to create a billboard for me or tell my favorite TV evangelist to say to me.  The Bible is His word.  And we must read it to get the answer.


            There will be days in our lives when grief comes puffing up, and we don’t know why.  Let me explain: it was Monday, August 19, 2024.  I purposely slept late but washed, dressed, and came to my table for my devotions.  I had to plead with the Holy Spirit to help me to pray.  I turned on the TV and couldn’t hear it; one hearing aid stopped working.  So I came to my computer, and that’s down too.  Call down to the main office to find out where my breakfast was.  Breakfast arrived, and it was cold, and no coffee.  I’m sitting at my table, and my neighbor passes by.  (I leave my door open).  She looks at me and says, “Are you okay, Bob?  You look awful.”  I asked her to check my mail, but there was no mail.  Now I go to the TV again and can’t hear it.  I turn it off and sit there looking into space.  My mind is playing tricks on me and making me think bad things.  Lunch came, and it was cold, with no juice or coffee.  I got through the afternoon and into the evening, but dinner was a disaster after dinner, same as after lunch.  I’m going to bed.  Praise God when down.  So, that’s what I did, and I went to sleep.


           Today, I woke up in a joyful mood and went to my table for my devotions.  I write my prayers, which keeps my mind on track better than talking.  I am going to share from my prayer journal: Thank you, Holy Spirit, for giving me the answer to why yesterday was in such turmoil – my mind was helter-skelter, heather, and yon mode, and I could not reason why.  You showed me that it was my son Danny’s last day on planet Earth, and I was feeling sorry and remembered I had done Danny wrong that day.  I was there (at a distance, like maybe 20 other people watching him die.)  Oh God, please tell Danny how sorry I am for leaving him to die alone with an audience of people looking on.  I will live that for the rest of my life here on planet Earth.  And Lord,  I don’t ever want a repeat of yesterday.


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