JUNE 2024 NEWSLETTER






 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  Proverbs 3:5


      I would like to share a story that happened when I was in Royal Oaks, but before I do, I would like to share a conversation Jesus and I had: Me: Thank you, Lord, for one more day on planet Earth.  I have this problem, Lord, and the problem is me.  I am an old man, 89, to be exact.  I was looking back over my life.  I seem to dwell on the bad things I did and wonder why you put up with me.  I’m not good-looking, and I shuffle when I walk, and when people talk to me, I have to say, WHAT???  I feel useless, Lord, and in everyone’s way.


      JESUS: I approve of you, My child.  Because you are Mine – I adopted into My royal family – I see you through the eyes of grace.  I chose you before the world’s creation to be holy and blameless in My site.  I know you fall short of this perfect standard in your daily living.  But I see you as holy and blameless because this is your permanent position in My kingdom.  Of course, I don’t endorse everything you do (or fail to do).  Still, I have approved of you – your true self, the one I created you to be.

      I know how much you long for My affirmation–and how hard it is for you to accept it.  I want you to learn to see yourself and others through grace-vision.  Looking through the eyes of grace, you can focus more on what is good and right than on what is bad and wrong.  You learn to cooperate with Me and embrace what I’m doing in your life: transforming you into My likeness with ever-increasing glory.  I not only approve of you, I delight in you!


Ephesians 1:4.  He chose us in him before the creation of the world.  To be holy and blameless in his sight.


Philippians 4:8 NCV: Brothers and sisters, think about these things that are good and worthy of praise.  Think about the things that are true and honorable and right and your and beautiful and respected.


2 Corinthians 3:18:  And we, who when unveiled faces all reflect that Lord’s glory, and are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.


Psalm 149:4 NLT: For the Lord, the lights in his people; he crowns the humble with victory

-- Sarah Young, JESUS ALWAYS, June 1


Now for the story: let me set the stage.  I had been in Royal Oaks for two months.  On the calendar on the first Wednesday, said, “Bible study with Joe.” Both months were a no-show from Joe.  So I told the activities aid, “I would do it next month – Bible study with Bob.  The next month was well attended; there were not as many the next month, but at least some came.  But the next month, there was a no-show for Bob’s Bible study.  This was the Alzheimer’s ward, and there were four sorrowful-looking ladies, shoulders slumped, heads bowed, who seemed to be in another world.  So they pushed them around my table, and I told them I’m going to tell you a story about me:

       I was taken to court and found guilty.  The Judge called me to the witness stand and said, “Bob, the court has found you guilty of your crime.  The penalty for your crime is death.” The courtroom was quiet, and then we heard a voice from the audience who said, “NO, I wish to die in Bob’s place and let Bob go free.” The Judge said to the man, “Come here.” The man came forward and stood before me.  The Judge said to me, “This man will take your place and die for your crime.  But there’s something you have to do, Bob.  You have to accept his pardon.  If you accept his pardon, he will pay the price for you and set you free.” I said, “I accept your pardon, but I’m sorry you have to die.” The man stepped closer, motioned me to bend over, and whispered, “It’s okay, Bob.  In three days, I will come again to life, and we will be together forever and ever.”


      When I finished this story, I had tears in my eyes (I’m a very emotional person).  But one of the Alzheimer’s ladies straightened her shoulders and sat up straight, her eyes wide, and she said, “Praise the LORD!  That was good!” She smiled and nodded her head for me.  All this makes me yell: GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME; ALL THE TIME, GOD IS GOOD!  AMEN?


                                                       Jesus loves you, and so do I

                                                         ‘Ol uncle Bob, Storyteller







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