Psalm 113:1-3 Message Bible
You serve God; praise God!
To speak, His name is Praise!
Just remember, God is a blessing –
now, and tomorrow and always.
From east to west, from dawn to dusk,
keep lifting all your praises to God!
But you don’t understand. I’m hurting so bad. No one understands what I’m going
through. I worked hard all my life and
helped the poor and needy, and look at me now.
These are the words people were down and out and under dire circumstances.
I was going through such a time as this
recently in my life. I saw more sickness
than most because I lived with it constantly.
I must admit I wanted to run away and hide or have someone lock me up
and throw away the key. I was at my
wit’s end. I woke up in the morning and
had a heavy weight pushing down on me, but I got up. After all these years – too many to mention –
I was ready to throw in the towel and just give up. But, hey, at 87, going on to 88, no one would
I had made up a set of goals for myself
that I have written in a journal that I tried to do daily. To my surprise, I had reached three of these
goals, so I kept on keeping on. Then my pastor
gave me a hands-up of some writing I had him look at it, we had revival
services in our church, and the evangelist actually shook my hand and talked to
me. The Holy Spirit used those meetings
to make me see that “Jesus loves me; this I know for the Bible tells me so .”
So the answer for me is in these verses:
Praise Him, just to speak his name is Praise, remembering what He has done, is
doing, and will do is Praise, so keep on keeping on praising Him.
PRAYER: God, thank you for the closed doors. Thank you for not allowing me to settle for
second best. God, whenever I thought I
was being rejected for something good, you were re-directing me to something
better. God, I pray, You will usually give me peace when
restoration creates in. I pray you will
provide me with strength when I’m told “no.”
Thank you for teaching me that “no” is just a step to a bigger and
better “YES.” AMEN
The Bible tells us in Psalm 62:1-12 that we can find
refuge in the time of storm.
The meaning
of the word “refuge” is a shelter against harm.
For example, when a violent storm arises, we all try to find a safe
refuge so that we will not be harmed in any way. However, we must be careful in our selection
because what may look safe may, in reality, not be safe.
We sing a
hymn in our churches called “A Shelter in the Time of Storm.” The first verse tells us, “the Lord’s our
rock, in Him we hide . . . Secure whatever ill betide.” The psalmist declares the same truth to us in
Psalm 62:7-8.
Another hymn
says, “in times like these, you need a Savior, in times like these, you need an
anchor.” Truly, we live in days of
turmoil, and how prescient it is to have the assurance of having the Lord as
our anchor and refuge. However, this
assurance can only be yours if you have personally accepted the Lord Jesus
Christ as your Savior.
Christians have not learned all the truths of Psalm 62: 38. Some Christians are still looking to other
places for their safety, but they are all as quicksand; only Christ is our
solid rock, our only place of refuge.
Not only is there safety, but trusting also brings happiness (blessing)
of the Lord in our life (some 2:12). Do
you have the right refuge?
Day by day
and with each passing moment, the strength I find to meet my troubles here;
Trusting in my father’s wise bestowment,
I have no cause
for worry or fear.
He whose
heart is kind beyond all measure
Gives onto
each day what He deems best
Lovingly, its part of pain and
Mingling toil with peace and rest.
I want to tell you how my life became a prodigal person.
No, this isn’t a list of terrible sins I’ve committed; it
is some of the ways I strayed away from my faith. One day this respected person left home. There were no assertive words of goodbye, no
angry words; in fact, I didn’t even say goodbye. I didn’t pack up and walk out the main gate
of the Homestead. It just happened that
morning. I was working at my job and
heard a bouncy melody. I needed to make
out the words, but they sounded familiar yet surprisingly new. So, gifted with an intriguing nature and
energetic determination, I decided to find out more.
Maybe what I
would discover will make my life better.
I wanted all the gusto the world had to offer. I made up my mind to follow my simple
desires, and I began to whistle that catchy tune. I headed out to follow that compiling urge.
When I
reacted to the broad highway, it was easygoing.
Until now, I had no idea how big and fascinatingly complex. The word actually was.
As I began my
exploitations, I didn’t succumb to the temptation to do anything bad. I just sort of wonder impulsively here and
there, following a newfound freedom. I
ate what I wanted when I wanted.
Entertainment became a full-time pursuit. People there invited me to go with them to
see dinner theaters with the wrong connotations and even drink an occasional
toast for a better life.
At first, I thrived in this environment, and I
can’t really recall when I drifted over to the Worldly Café. Here I ate my fill of better grapes, crab
apples, and an appetizer called GRUMBLE
CRUMBLES. With a little urging, I tried the barbecue creatures and chased it down
with whiners wine (great). After a
while, I acquired a taste for everything and had it pulled me down without
expecting it. Instead of being happy, I
was miserable. What can I do to be happy
and peaceful again as she and Mark?
Time went by. One morning I woke up and realized I missed
the love relationship. I once had with
my maker, I missed being home. Although
variety a lot. I was starving for real
food. I remember those in the father’s
house who would be singing praises and sounds of gratitude and eating His
word. How pointless my life had
become. I’ve got to get back home, I
said aloud. Then I took my first step
I saw Father on the housetop. He was looking for me to return. As I got closer, I lost sight of Father, but
not for long. It came out of the house
and ran to me, but at His hands. It took
me into His breast and helped me for a long time. Finally, he caught angels to bring the robe
of righteousness and put it on me. He
spoke in my ear and told me that the marriage supper of the Lamb world would
have a place of honor. He told me, “I
love you, my son, with everlasting love.
Welcome back!”
On February 3, I
will be eighty-eight (88) and longing to see the Golden Gate and God the
father, God the Son, God the Holy
Spirit. God is good (great) all the
time; all the time, God is good (great)!
Jesus loves you, and so do I
Uncle Bob, storyteller
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