JANUARY 2023 NEWSLETTER









ONE MORE YEAR is history.  My his story of this past year has been bittersweet.  I am praising God for picking me up and carrying me when the time got rough.  I am sure I could not have made it on my own.  He gave me a test, and I failed, big time!  But the good news is that I can say it has brought me closer to my wonderful good Savior, Father God, Son Jesus, and Holy Spirit.  Alleluia!  He is a wonderful good God and worthy to be praised.



Walk close to me, my child,” He said,

And on the way, He gently led;

“I know the way, it’s very steep,

But do not fear, for I can keep

Your way secure; just trust me more.”

And so I walk the road of life –

My hand in his; no fear, no strife;

He keeps my heart, rejoicing

In every testing, none is too great.


Because of him.  My heart is singing;

He leads the way through every day.

I’m in this world for just a while;

I’ll trust in him when I go through trials.

And often as I kneel and pray.

I asked him for the words to say.

So others will be drawn to him.

By what they see of him and me.


I asked him to show me the need.

Of each one for whom I should pray,

The ones I meet from day to day.

He guides my thoughts, my lips, my feet,

And teaches me just how to speak –

Sometimes, with joy, sometimes a warning,

Always with love to meet their longing.

I never fear with him to guide,

On the stormy road.  I do not fall;

I have my friend close by my side;

I cling to him when I feel weak;

He always hears me when I call.

He never fails!  His strength is mine;

I walk with him in joy sublime!

               --Bernice C. Plautz


THERE ARE DAYS when I feel I can’t keep my head above water.  These life-shaking events seem to pile up stress and struggles, pressure and problems, every place and in every relationship I have – especially when added to the daily adjustment of living alone for the first time after Marion died.

      This time of personal and financial turbulence has created high expectations in my heart.  Since I know God loves me and is in control of all things, I also know this current round of multiple challenges of facing must mean that he is up to something.  What is it?

      Whatever it is, I know He’s telling me I need to wake up!  I need to adjust my attitude, stop feeling sorry for myself, stop complaining in my spirit, stop demanding that he brings relief, and begin to look at my situation from His perspective.  Instead, I need to open my heart’s eyes and search the “ storm clouds” for the message within.

      As horrific and evil, ugly and obscene as personal, emotional, financial, and any other type of suffering may be, I strongly suspect God wants to use it to get my attention!  But, whatever it is, He is shaping your life, and mine just made the trumpet blast that heralds God’s wake-up call to us, leading to personal revival.


   It was my first Christmas to be alone after eight years since my LW went to her room prepared for her in heaven.  Two days before Christmas, I went to E.R. and found I had coven.  Two fishing buddies had invited me to their house, one for Christmas Eve and the other for Christmas Dinner.  They had to cancel because they were with me the day before my diagnosis.  My wife’s sister always had me for Christmas dinner after my wife went home.  So, this year was all alone, and it felt like she had left yesterday.  I got up and had two hours of BBB (Bible Before Breakfast).  The Holy Spirit ministered to me, took the pining away, and made me feel His Presence.  I made myself breakfast the way Marian used to make on Christmas Morning.  Then, I turned on the TV and watched movies about our Lord’s Birth.  Yesterday,  the couple who invited me to a Christmas Eve party brought me the food they had prepared, so that was my Christmas dinner.  Jesus sat with me, and we had a grand time eating and fellowshipping.  After dinner, we {Jesus and me} turned on the TV and watched movies that Marian and I always watched together on Christmas day after the kids went home.  BBB (Bible Before Bed) was very special to be able to thank Jesus for ministering to me ALL day.   It makes me yell, GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME; ALL THE TIME, GOD IS GOOD!  AMEN? 


      That’s the way it was Christmas of 2022 – – now you have the rest of the story!  Happy Christmas to all, and all, a very Merry new year!  Sounds a little strange that but that’s how my mind works everything backward.  But you get the picture, so I’ll just say, KEEP ON KEEPING ON FOR JESUS!  AMEN?

                                                                            Jesus loves you, and so do I!









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