March 2022 Newsletter


                                                             March 2022 NEWSLETTER

Robert Lindenberger

3325 3rd Ave.

Mims, FL 32754.


There is something I’d like to tell you about me, in case you’ve never heard.  On December 5, 1955, I went to court and stood trial for many crimes and was found guilty on all accounts.  The sentence was handed down, and I received the death penalty.

Then, from the courtroom, a Man rushed forward and told the judge, “I have paid this man’s fine, My life for his.”  The Man opened his hands, and we saw nail-prints in his hands.  The judge looked down at me and said, “This Man has paid for your crimes, but you must accept His pardon, or you will die.”  I answered, looking at this Man, Jesus, and said, “I accept your pardon.  Thank You for dying in my place and for giving me life.”  He smiled at me and said, “Your welcome.  Death could not hold Me.  I rose again so that you may have life more abundantly, forever.  I give you this to live in this life here on earth.”  And he handed me a Bible and was gone, out of sight but not out of mind and heart.  Hallelujah!  What a Savior!  HE IS RISEN: HE IS RISEN INDEED. 

There are so many things in life that cause grief and pain.  Like when we lose someone we love and cherish.  But, there is a void and loss that cannot be replaced.  When we face divorce or separation from the one whom we have chosen to spend the rest of our lives sharing the good times and the bad times, we feel a loss and rejection that creates a void. 

We tend to turn inward in all these circumstances, which often creates doubt and insecurity in our ability to cope with life circumstances.  For example, suppose you or someone you know is faced with grief or pain.  In that case, it is often difficult to find the consolation needed to experience God’s rest and peace, whether struggling with prolonged illness (my wife had a broken back), loss (My wife and Son),  divorce (I went through that too), or doubt (came after each loss and bothers me to this day).

We tell Jesus we hurt and NEED Him and receive His loving care, and life becomes full and overflowing.  For example, when my son suffered from ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), I traveled from Florida to PA in the last stages.  God and I had a conversation: I said, “God, it’s really hard to see my son die.” God said to me, “I know how you feel.  I had to watch my Son suffer and die, and Bob, it’s OK to cry.” God is good all the time; all the time, God is good!  Amen?

When I was going to college, we had a course on Witnessing the Gospel of Christ to the unbeliever.  The Professor would call our name, and we answered with our name and testimony(same testimony but never same words).  He said, “Your best witness for Jesus is your testimony of what He has done for you, and prove it by the Word of God.”  A dear person (I use the word person, so you don’t try to wonder who) said to me, “I enjoy your Newsletter, but you repeat a lot.” So, I ask for specifics.  “Well, you repeat your testimony over and over again, and I could recite it by heart.”   Wow!  I wanted to hug the person and show how much I appreciated that statement.  It also made me see I have grown in grace to the place where I can accept criticism and be blessed instead of being hurt.  There is also one quote I want to be known by: GOD is good all the time; all the time, GOD is good!  Amen?

I woke up this morning and almost yelled, “OH God, thank you for one more day on planet earth.  What is going to happen this day?”


JESUS: Seek to please Me, above all else.  As you journey through today, there will be many choice points along your way.  Most of the day’s decisions will be small ones you have to make quickly.  You need some rule of thumb that helps you make good choices.  Many people’s decisions are a combination of their habitual response and their desire to please themselves or others.  This is not My way for you.  Strive to please Me in everything, not just in major decisions.  This is possible only to the extent that you are living in close communion with Me.  When My Presence is your deepest delight, you know almost instinctively what will please Me.  A quick glance at Me is all you need to make the right choice.  DELIGHT YOURSELF IN ME MORE AND MORE; SEEK MY PLEASURE IN ALL YOU DO.

                                                                       --- Sarah Young, JESUS CALLING



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