Newsletter 2022 January

Robert Lindenberger

3325 3rd Ave.

Mims, FL 32754.



Happy New Year— 2022

I woke up this morning at 7 o’clock, and it was dark.  My mind reminded me of reading this:

1 John 1:6.  If we say that we have fellowship with Him and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.

Critics use the word dark to describe movies, television shows, comic books, songs, and other forms of entertainment that are troubling, evil, or depressive.  In the same way, we sometimes say about someone, “He’s in a dark place right now.” That’s biblical terminology; the apostle John frequently spoke of light and darkness.  The entire world is in darkness, groping for direction and hope, apart from God’s people.  But the followers of Christ have sunlight streaming into their paths and have no need for night vision goggles.

If there’s a dark spot somewhere in your heart or habits, confess it to God and ask Him to bleach it from your system.  Then, when we get to heaven, we will be sinless, spotless, and blameless in all our ways.  Until then, we work each day to stay on the pathway of light.  The Bible says, “but the path of the just is like a shining sun, that shines ever brighter and to the perfect day” (Proverbs 4:18).

If God had wanted us completely out of the world, he could have taken us as home to heaven when our spiritual birth…. But, instead, we are to shine as lights in the world system’s doctors.                                                                                                                                                                     

                                                                                                                            --A. W. TOZER

What do you think the most important part of your day is?

Some people would say breakfast, while others might say spending time with family.  While both of those are important, I would tell you that the most important part of your day is spending time in God’s Word.

I know some people who eat breakfast every day and are starving for the Word of God.  I have also seen people whose family is functionally falling apart, and one of the first things I always ask those people is, “How often are you spending time in God’s Word?”

A chaplain once offered a New Testament to a soldier, who said he would smoke the pages.  The texture of the pages of some New Testaments is perfect for rolling cigarettes.  So the chaplain urged the man to read the pages before lighting them up.  Two months later, the chaplain learned the soldier had died.  The first pages were missing in the man’s New Testament, but the rest appeared to be well-read.  Inside the cover were the words: “Here is a book which I once despised, then read and through it found salvation in Christ.”

God, where are You?  If You’re good, then it seems to me that things should work out like this-,’ and I impose my definition of good on God.  And I say, ‘This is what the word good means: It means that I won’t get cancer again.  It means my wife won’t die prematurely.  It means my kids will be healthy and make enough money to pay the bills.’

“When I look at God and say, ‘You’re not cooperating with my definition of good, the natural consequence is not trust, not worship.  It’s idolatry.  I’m going to find some other god that agrees with my definition of good.  Satan comes along and basically says, ‘I’ll arrange for what you want.’ And you’ll have certain pleasures for a season, and then it’ll be awful.”

It is not God’s intention to give us everything we want.  Getting what we want is not the key to happiness, peace, or contentment.  Our judgment is skewed since we cannot see the full picture and do not have all the facts.  God would not be God if He could not see all things and judge all situations for the ultimate good.

God’s Word is absolute truth; don’t let your doubts get in the way of His perfect plan.  Billy Graham said that he and his son were on a boat.  His son was on his lap, and he was steering the bost, but his son knocked his hands off the steering wheel and said,  Please, daddy, I’d rather do it myself,” and ran the boat ashore.  We must let the Holy Spirit have His hands on the steering wheel and not try to knock them off.  If we don’t, we fail

Troubles and heartache are a thermometer to tell us our spiritual temperature.  I often say I am more at work than the d evil in my journey here on planet Earth.  Yet, I keep on keeping on falling into the slippery slough of self-pity and need to be brought back to my love for my Savior, Jesus Christ.  He brings me back when I think of what He went through here on planet Earth.  He came to His own and was rejected and suffered, died on a cross, and rose again so that we may have life more abundantly.  When I think on these things, I can feel Him lifting me out of the slough of self-pity, and I can hear Him say, “Well done, my faithful servant.” It makes me cry tears of JOY because Jesus loves me even when I fall into the “ALL ME” pool.  

I have a son in the Lord.  I followed the Holy Spirit’s leading and saw him become a child of God.  We were in the Navy and aboard a ship.  We spent many hours in fellowship in the word.  After I was discharged, Ken and I kept in touch.  But while he served, Ken was asked to hold divine services on that ship, and then he was discharged, went to college, and became a Chaplain.  As all father and son relationships happen, the child becomes the parent, and I thank God for that because my son, now parent, has helped me through some really hard times in these 60 years.  Now my son, parent, has been hospitalized with a broken heart.  Please hold him up to the throne and ask God’s will be done?  (This was written in 2018.  It is now 2022; Ken is with the One who loved him most, Jesus Christ our LORD!)   May Jesus Christ be praised?   

     Happy New Year.  It will be the best ever if you put Christ first in your life and ask him how you may serve him.  God bless you real good.

I have a son in the Lord.  I followed the Holy Spirit’s leading and saw him become a child of God.  We were in the Navy and aboard a ship.  We spent many hours in fellowship in the word.  After I was discharged, Ken and I kept in touch.  But while he served, Ken was asked to hold divine services on that ship, and then he was discharged, went to college, and became a Chaplain.  As all father and son relationships happen, the child becomes the parent, and I thank God for that because my son, now parent, has helped me through some really hard times in these 60 years.  Now my son, parent, has been hospitalized with a broken heart.  Please hold him up to the throne and ask God’s will be done?  (This was written in 2018.  It is now 2021; Ken is with the One who loved him most, Jesus Christ our LORD!)   May Jesus Christ be praised?   


      Happy New Year.  It will be the best ever if you put Christ first in your life and ask him how you may serve him.  God bless you real good.
















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