November 2021 Newsletter

Robert Lindenberger

3325 3rd Ave.

Mims, FL 32754.

321-368 -7184

“… God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’

So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. (Heb. 13:5-6).

Life gets tedious and boring at times, and it is hard to keep on keeping on. Have you ever felt like giving up? Elijah did. The Lord had just used him to show the nation of Israel that the Lord is God (1 Kings 18). Yet, the threat of Queen Jezebel so alarmed him that he ran to Beersheba, 100 miles south (19:3). Then he walked another 150 miles south to Horeb, the mountain of God.

Twice God asked Elijah what he was doing there (vv.9, 13). Both times he answered with identical words—“I am alone and left; and they seek to take my life” (vv. 10, 14). He had become so preoccupied with his own fears that he had forgotten what God had done through him at Mount Carmel. Despite his great victory, Elijah plunged into the depths of discouragement. How easy it is for us. God did not accept Elijah’s notice that he was quitting. Instead, He commissioned his tired servant to handle three major tasks (vv. 15, 17). And by the way, Elijah was wrong when he said he was the only faithful one left. God had 7,000 others who had not bowed to Baal (v.18).

I like Elijah, am despairing at the circumstances in my life. I let God speak to me, and instead of allowing me to quit, He showed me what He can do through His strength.


I REMEMBER a sermon of a wonderful good preacher who told a story of his life. “I was walking across the campus of our College and met a Processor who asked, ‘How are you? I answered, ‘OK, under the circumstances!’ “My Prof. almost yelled, ‘What are you doing under the circumstances? God can help you live above your circumstances. Trust and obey for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey.’”

I told you in my last newsletter that on 10/12/14, I would celebrate seven years of Marion’s birthdays in heaven. A lot of water goes over the dam in seven years. After Marion went home, I bought myself a little red car, made two trips to Pennsylvania, and traded it in for a minivan. Wow! I was a happy camper. One morning I went fishing, stopped to buy bait, came out, and the minivan wouldn’t go in reverse. (Learned the lesson here – – always go forward. Never back) But I drove that van for over a year like that.

After Marian graduated, I became a hermit, but the Church I attended allowed me to come for breakfast every Thursday (sometimes my only human contact all week). At breakfast, we had Bob’s table. One or two times, there were five Bob’s all at the same table. One of the Bob’s and I became| prayer partners. We would go to a Bible study and then out for breakfast and have a time of prayer. It was great! So sad to say, Bob and his wife went home when the pandemic hit.

At the senior breakfast, we would have prayer. Another Bob at Bob’s table requested prayer that he was going to the hospital to cut off his toe. We prayed, and the next week Bob was back limping, but he made it back. Several weeks later, Bob asked for prayer; now, he is going to the hospital to amputate his leg. And again, several weeks later, Bob came walking in with his new leg. Bob and I had kindred spirits – he was in the Navy, and so was I. Bob is the sole caregiver for his wife, and so was I. He loves to go to Hope Bible study, and so do I. The best was our relationship with Jesus and our fellowship with Him and each other.

Bob said he saw me as his Pawpaw and became my medical advocate because I can’t hear woman’s voices on the telephone. (He became my ears). Then, about a month ago, Bob called me and told me his dear wife had graduated to heaven, and now as I am writing this, Bob is in the hospital.

When I got Bob’s call, I was overwhelmed. All I could do was cry. I went to my prayer chair and cried, WHY GOD? WHY GOD? WHY? The old devil took over my mind and thinking. He said, “Bob came to you for help, and you were just a user; you did not hold up Jesus to him. That’s why he is where he is right now.” I took that lie because I have failed in the past and reasoned this was just one more failure. I was still hurting and kept on praying, WHY GOD? WHY GOD? WHY?

Charles Stanley, in touch: WHY DOES GOD ALLOW TRIALS? “Let’s go deeper into trials today. What purpose would God have been allowing us to face hard times?

GOD ALLOWS TRIAL TO TEST OUR FAITH. However, He doesn’t do so with the expectation that we will fail. Rather, He wants us to learn greater dependence on Him. So, although unproven, untried faith can’t grow without a challenge, advance has not been tested; how do we know that we can endure in life?

HE USES TRIALS TO DISPLAY HIS SUSTAINING POWER. . . . Everyone faces painful periods in life. By drawing on God’s strength during these times, we can live out a powerful testimony in front of those who do not know Christ.

OUR TRIALS EQUIPPED US TO HELP OTHERS. When we go through a hardship, we become specifically equipped to sympathize with and encourage others who may later face a similar ordeal. This principle was an important part of the apostle Paul’s ministry (2 Corinthians 1:4 -8).

GOD ALLOWS TRIALS IN OUR LIFE TO PURIFY US. Hardships put pressure on us, especially in areas where we tried to hide sin. The Lord knows the things must be brought to the surface and faced openly and honestly if we’re to become mature believers.

God has a purpose for every trial He allows to come your way. So stand firm and let Him accomplish His will in your life. – by whatever means He deems necessary.

Me: Thank you, Holy Spirit, for answered prayer. Please allow this to be a salve to some hurting hearts today.


NOTE: Next month is Christmas, and I have a surprise for you!?.@#*&><()+ Happy THANKSGIVING!



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