Robert Lindenberger

3325 3rd. Avenue

Mims, Florida  32154




Every day with Jesus
Is sweeter than the day before
Every day with Jesus
I love Him more and more,
Jesus saves and keeps me
And He's the One I'm waiting for;
Every day with Jesus
It is sweetest than the day before


February already!  – – And today is the first day for the rest of my life.  I want to serve Jesus.  Yes, every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before, and I love him more and more; but I have to be honest and say that some days are dark. J. R. Miller wrote in For the Best the Things: "Sometimes it is dark.  We cannot understand what we are doing.  We do not see the web we are weaving.  We are not able to discover any beauty, any possible good in our experience.  Yet, if we are faithful . . . , we shall someday know that the most exquisite work of all our life was done in those days when it was so dark.

      "If you are in the deep shadows because of some strange, mysterious provenance, do not be afraid.  Simply go on in faith and love, never doubting.  God is watching, and He will bring good and beauty out of all your pain and tears."

Ephesians 4:25 – 32.

      What this adds up to, then, is this: no more lies, no more presents.  Tell your neighbor the truth.  In Christ's body, we are all connected to each other, after all.  When you lie to others, you end up lying to yourself.

      Go ahead and be angry.  You do well to be angry – but don't use your anger as fuel for revenge.  And don't stay angry. Don't go to bed angry. Don't give the devil that kind of foothold in your life.

      Did you use to make ends meet by stealing?  Well, no more.  Get an honest job so that you can help others who can't work.

      Watch the way you talk.  Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth.  Say only what helps, each word a gift.

Don't grieve God. Don't break His heart.  His Holy Spirit, moving and breathing in you, is the most intimate part of your life, making use of it for Himself. Don't take such a gift for granted.

      Make a clean break with all cutting, backbiting, profane talk.  Be gentle with one another, sensitive.  Forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as God in Christ forgave you.


      It can be difficult to let go of resentment toward those who have hurt us.  But that is exactly what God asks us to do – not only for their good but also for our own.  Unforgiveness causes stress and unhappiness that can creep into our relationships with co-workers, friends, and family.  But when we choose to forgive, we will find freedom.  Here are the things to do if you have noticed bitterness in your heart:

      ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR UNFORGIVING SPIRIT.  The other person may be responsible for wrongful action toward us, but we are nonetheless responsible for the sin of harboring bitterness.

      ADDRESS HONESTLY. It's appropriate to admit to God when we harbor resentment or wish for someone's punishment.  But since an unforgiving spirit will return unless we can permanently lay down our anger, this is a choice many people must make repeatedly.

      PRAY FOR YOUR WRONGDOER.  We may not feel like talking to God on behalf of someone who's hurt us, but doing so is the way to break the hold bitterness has on us.

      Even after we've done these things, resentment may still crop up in our hearts.  When that happens, we can thank God that we have, in fact, forgiven.  We can also refuse Satan's invitation to rehash the past.

– – Charles Stanley, In Touch,1/31/2021

     Did you read that? "We can also refuse Satan's invitation to rehash the past." When my wife, Marion, died 10/12/14, my life changed – I became a loner that people see, but I have Jesus in me, who walks with me and talks with me and loves me even when I am unlovable because I am his child. Right after Marion went to be with Jesus, I read my Bible and heard a man who had sinned and turned his face against the wall and prayed for 15 more years?  So, I closed my Bible and said, "I claim that Lord to be my prayer, 15 more years." That was six years ago.  I only have nine years to go, and my constant prayer is that people would see Jesus in me and not me.

         May God bless you and keep you and make his face shine upon you and give you His peace!  Shalom.


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