Newsletter November 2020 Robert Lindenberger 3325 3 rd Avenue Mims, Florida 32754 321-368-7184 We walked, and we said, "Aww!" And we walked some more saying, "Oh! And aww! And a "look look here!" and a "look look there!" with more "oohs!" and "awws!" Then we stopped, and the lights went out. We were six miles under the earth in Monmouth Cave, Kentucky. It was dark enough that we couldn't see a hand raised in front of our eyes. Complete blackness! We stood there in that darkness, but the silence was deafening. My heart started racing in my chest, and I was sure other people could hear it thump. Finally, what seemed like an eternity, the lights came back on, and everyone clapped and screamed, "Praise the LORD!" (Bible belt). That was an experience I shall never forget. Another horrific time in my life was visiting my son and watching him die of ALS's horribl...