March Newsletter 2019
Robert Lindenberger
3325 3rd Avnue
Mims, Florida

Did you ever have something done for you, and you said thank you? The thank-you seemed shallow, and you wished you could do more for them than say thank you. The people you acknowledge feel your sincerity and know you are grateful. Thank you is gratitude and thought on an emotional level.

When I pray, it is a constant “thank you,”and God reads my heart and knows what I am trying to say. Gratitude is not dependant on good circumstances but is based on our confidence and trust in the LORD and His promises. Here are three spiritual truths about God that we can give thanks to Him in everything.

The first truth we should understand about God is that he is sovereign. Nebuchadnezzar, the pagan king of Babylon, learned this the hard way when he went through seven years of insanity before he finally raised his eyes to heaven and praised the Most High God, saying, “he does according to his will in the most of heaven and long inhabitants of the earth; and no one can ward off His hand or say to him, ‘What have you done?’” (Daniel 4:35).

We don’t have to look around at our circumstances and think we are hopeless victims of data or evil. Every event and situation that comes our way has first pastor the hands of our loving heavenly Father. Although we may not understand what He is doing, we can find peace in knowing that He is in control.

Second, God is good all the time; all the time, God is good. Without this attribute, we find no comfort in God’s sovereign control because we wouldn’t be sure of His motives. We never have to fear, because we are under the rule of the Almighty God, who is eternally good and does good (Psalms 119:68).

Third, God is always working everything for good to those who belong to him (Romans 8:28). Although we experience circumstance that is not good in themselves, the Lord skillfully weaves those dark threads of life together for His glory and our ultimate good. And the goal He’s working toward in our lives is revealed in the next verse: “he also predestinated [us] to be conformed to the image of his Son” (v. 29). Any painful or difficult experience, even one caused by our sinful rebellion, can be used by the Lord for our spiritual growth and the development of godliness.

God is good to me all the time, and I am learning to say thank you more and more as the days go by. I lived with and cared for my wife, Marian, for twenty-nine years, fifteen of those years she lived in PAIN from a broken back. Marian went to live with Jesus in her heavenly home over four years ago, and since that time, God has given me friends that are going through chronic pain. I say thank You to Him for each person he allows me to have as sisters and brothers and be a prayer partner with. I want to share with those people the following (if you are reading this and not in chronic pain but know someone who is you can share this with them):

20 Ways to Cope With a Chronic Illness by Bridget Gazlay
1. Find someone to confide in (friend, counselor, pastor)
2. Spend time in prayer or meditation
3. Journal about your ups and downs
4. Tears are okay — let yourself grieve
5. Live one day at a time
6. Set realistic goals (don’t think about how you used to be, how are you now?)
7. Don’t plan too far ahead (not so frustrating when you need to make a change)
8. SIMPLIFY! (enough said)
9. Ask for help (it may be hard for you, but a blessing for others)
10. Be still (it’s okay to rest when your body needs it)
11. Find new creative outlets (writing, music, art, prayer)
12. Don’t expect perfection
13. The dishes can wait!
14. Stick up for yourself (with physicians, family or friends)
15. Get a second opinion (never feel guilty for doing this; it’s your life!)
16. Research “lightly” (do enough to know what you’re dealing with, and that’s it’; there is no textbook case!)
17. Share your pain (support groups, devotional writing)
18. Use your time wisely (you can’t get it back once it’s gone)
19. Laugh, laugh, laugh
20. Be positive (attitude does make a difference)

Dear God, thank you for your healing powers. Help my unbelief. When I’m in pain, I forget that you care about me. I forget that you have helped me through other trials. I forget that You hold me in your arms to keep me safe. I forget that You feel the pain I feel. I forget that I am important to You. Show me Your Presence—let me feel Your enveloping love. Heal my hurting soul. Thank You for staying with me even in my unbelief. Amen


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