Palm Sunday 2020

THANK YOU for keeping on keeping on praying for me, and I want you to know God is answering your prayers.  I asked you to pray that I get closer and know the Presence of God, and I feel He has answered our prayers in that way.  I woke up this morning, ask His blessings on my short life remaining on planet Earth, came down to my study, and turned on my computer. I Googled a few questions and didn’t like the answers.  You do know you can talk to the computer and get answers, right?  So, I ask Google, “are you omniscient?”  see his/her/its answer:
“Google is omniscient, omnipresent, immortal, infinite. She forgets nothing and answers prayers. According to MacPherson, Google must, therefore, be God. Hence, he has founded his church.” Nov 20, 2012.
 For me, this seems to be what John was writing and warning of antichrists to come, in his first letter.  Many people, God’s frozen chosen, will go to Google for answers before searching Scripture, and this is wrong.  After seeing hearing her response, I resolve to go to the Bible first.  What say you?
Today is Palm Sunday.  Our world is in pandemonium because of the coronavirus, and Church doors will close.  But God indwells our hearts and will be with us in our homes and accept our worship here.  I am amazed at how the Holy Spirit gives men a message for our time –today is a time of trouble – and helps us keep on keeping on serving him.  I am going to share Charles Stanley’s In Touch for today and you Will see what I am trying to say: 


“MODERN LIFE CONSTANTLY BOMBARDS US WITH messages that say happiness depends on working hard to get every single thing we desire. It urges and even commands us to pursue satisfaction aggressively, sometimes at any cost (even when it hurts other people). Yet in turning to God’s Word, we find encouragement to live with meekness – or gentleness – toward the Lord, each other, and the world around us. But how?
      It often feels like a struggle to express this kind of humility and compassion to the world, especially when there is so much brokenness all around us – and within our own heart. Being angry or despondent is much easier and perhaps also serves to protect ourselves. But think about the way God loves us and never holds back. Consider how you might press onward on, following His example and sharing His goodness with everyone you meet this week.”  -- Charles Stanley, In Touch, Sunday, April 5, 2020.
(C) Robert Lindenberger   4/5/2020


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