WHY?  Most of my Christian family (brothers and sisters in Christ are getting this in email or Facebook, and when I copy to send, they send it the old way.  So, I decided to comply with their wishes and write it in their format.  There is another reason, and that is at this writing, I have just opened a blog and will be sharing my Newsletters and much more writing and reading I have done in the past 30 years.  My web name is wonderfulgoodgod.  And my blogging name is God is good all the time; all the time God is good!   I think you heard that from/for me before; I want to be known by that handle.

You know what our wonderful country is going through right now.  There is a pandemic called COVID 19 caused by a coronavirus. And we are under house arrest without the ankle bracelets but do have TV and Facebook.  Most of my TV watching is the news. Sometimes I get weary of that too. Especially when I watch the president making a speech, and then the news reporter has to tell me what I just heard.  One minute we are told that there is no God we should not teach our kids that God created the world. Then, there is a hurricane, or some other disaster strikes like this coronavirus were having right now, and insurance companies come up with the phrase –“an act of God.” If there is no God, then why do they blame him for the disaster? Is there a God when we need someone to blame and no God when it comes to politics and personal beliefs?

It is hard for me to believe that a personal, loving God would kill thousands of people in a tsunami or hurricane and then appeal to an individual and say, “Come unto Me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28).

A wonderful lady asks me, using her words, “I believe in the Blood of Jesus for the remission of sin.  Couldn’t we just plead the blood over this coronavirus thing?”  My answer was very vague to her at that point, but it made me think, and here’s what I should have answered.
The perfect subjects, Adam and Eve, were placed in a wonderful garden on Earth and had perfect fellowship with the Creator (KING). In this wonderful garden, there was a tree that they were told not to eat its fruit; if they did, they would die. (not be part of the Heavenly Kingdom but separated from it).

The king of Earth, Satan, tempted the woman, and she ate and had her husband also eat, which was disobedient (sin), and they were cast out of the wonderful garden and the Heavenly Kingdom and became subjects of Satan’s kingdom, the world.

The divine plan was for blood to be shed for the remission of sin. In the Old Testament, the blood that was of a sheep, goat, or another animal. When those people sacrifice and animal and shed its blood, they always had in mind the fact that one day there would be a Supreme Sacrifice, a Redeemer, who would take all the sin upon Himself --THE MESSIAH. Today we look to Jesus, the Word of John 1, and he is the Supreme Sacrifice –THE MESSIAH.  He shed His blood on a cross to renew the relationship with the Almighty God who created us for fellowship in the first place.

God created everything good; God created man and woman very good -- perfect in His image.  God never had a beginning or will have an end; before he created this Earth, He had a plan. The Almighty God created this Earth and everything in it for a reason. In verse 27 of chapter 1 of Genesis says, “God created man in his image, in the image of God, he created him; male and female he created them.”

God, The King of Heaven, created man and woman for fellowship in His Kingdom. He wanted to have a relationship with these subjects, created beings, in His Kingdom.  These beings were created with free will, they were given a choice, and they chose to disobey the Almighty Creator God. This disobedience separated the creation from the Creator; they died.  God in His infinite wisdom had a plan just in case His creation, man, fall and sever the divine communication.

God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, into the Earth to redeem man for his sin.  Jesus died on a cross to pay the debt of sin and make us God’s children. Christ rose from death to give us a life more abundantly on planet earth and give us homesickness for Heaven.
The coronavirus is real, and it is upon us today.  Satan got permission to inflict his kingdom subjects with the virus and is using it as bad, but God in His infinite wisdom is and will turn the bad into something good. If you, my brothers and sisters in Christ, are scared and hurting because of this virus, you are taking the devils lie. Look at it this way; God is Love.  He created me with Love in mind. Devil is evil. I am born in his kingdom –world.  Jesus Christ died on a cross to bring me to LOVE. Now I am in the world but not part of the world.  I still have a body that is in this world and could contact the virus.  If that happens to my body, I still have a spirit that functions in another realm (heavenly realm), which tells me everything is right with my soul, and Jesus is praying for me, walking with me and telling me I am His own.  We can sing:

When peace like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say It is well, it is well, with my soul.  It is well with my soul. It is well. It is well with my soul.”  And be happy (BLESSED) not sad or scared out of our wits.



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