When Grief shows up! copied off Facebook These are all so true. I remember it being so hard for me to go into the grocery store after my husband died. We always used to go together, now, not only was I alone, but I never noticed before how many couples shopped together at the grocery. It was nearly more than I could endure. Then you add in the music, and certain songs are played at the store. I had a very hard time listening to music because of the memories and emotions it brought back. Grief doesn't just show up the day they die Grief shows up on a random Monday night Grief shows up in aisle five at the grocery store Grief shows up when their favorite song comes on the radio Grief shows up at the dining room table Grief shows up at your graduation and wedding Grief shows up in the delivery room when they aren't by your side or in the pictures. Grief shows up on those sleepless nights. Grie...