AUGUST 2023 NEWSLETTER ROBERT LINDENBERGER 711 WAGER AVENUE TITUSVILLE, FL 32780 321-367-7184 God is good all the time; all the time, God is good! Amen? Is God truly good? What does it mean to you personally that God is good? Dr. Larry Crabb says, “When you see a child suffer when the doctor says certain things to you, you really wonder if God is good.” God, where are You? If You’re good, then it seems to me that things should work out like this-,’ and I impose my definition of good on God. And I say, ‘This is what the word good means: It means that I won’t get cancer again. It means my wife won’t die prematurely. It means my kids will be healthy and make enough money to pay the bills.’ “When I look at God and say, ‘You’re not cooperating with my definition of good, the ...