

                                                 OCTOBER 2024 NEWSLETTER Robert Lindenberger 405 Indian River Ave. 504. Titusville, FL 32796. 321-368-7184   God is good all the time; all the time, God is good!    I bought an electric razor, brought it home, and put it all together, but it would not work.  I told Marion, “I have to return this thing.”  She asked, “Why?”  “I can’t get it to work.”  She came to the table where I was sitting and picked up the instructions.  “Did you plug it in?”  “Yes.”  “Well, it says here that it must be plugged in, and the battery must be charged before use.  The battery needs to be charged, and you will have power.”  With a red face, I thanked her and told her, “I should read the instructions first.”  And then I prayed:   Lord, I have extolled you for your great power toward us who believe – your tremendous and visible power that works in us and for us… The same almighty strength You used when You raised Jesus fr

September 2024 Newsletter

   SEPTEMBER 2024 NEWSLETTER ROBERT LINDENBERGER 405 Indian River Ave. #504 TITUSVILLE, FLA.  32796 321-368-7184   God is good all the time; all the time, God is good!  Amen?  Oh yes, let it be so!               I received a “get out of jail card,” and now I can advance to GO.  Well, I tested positive for Covin and had to spend ten days in my Apartment.  When my ten days were served, and I tested negative for Covin, I sent this to my Facebook friends:                                        Hallelujah!  Praise God! I am as happy as I can be, Because God loves me. I had a debt I could not pay. Jesus paid a debt He did not owe. And He whispers in my ear. I prepared a place for you to go. And I am out of solitary confinement.  I tested negative for Covin today.  Ain’t God good??               My contacting and having Covin was an answer to PRAYER—the day before, I was tested for coven.  I prayed: I have sinned, Lord.  How?  I am add

More from Kathleen Berg Spencer

  Kathleen Berg Spencer Part 1 and Part 2 This is not about me, though it is my story. This is about when God calls us; he goes before us, and we are able to do more than we could ask or even imagine! 1986.. Bill and I were attending Lyncourt Wesleyan Church in Syracuse, NY and teaching a new converts Sunday School class. My Mom, who had been widowed, was an ordained minister and was pastoring the Onondaga Indian Reservation Wesleyan Church in her retirement. My Dad had pastored there prior to becoming ill. I loved the people and having grown up with Native Americans in South America, I felt very much at home with them. One day I began to feel very compelled to help my Mom with the work. Bill had never shown any interest in that ministry so I wasn't sure how he would respond, but when I told him it is what I believed we should be doing he immediately agreed. I was totally surprised but thrilled. I also did not know that it was the beginning of an amazing journey God had orche


    AUGUST 2024 NEWSLETTER ROBERT LINDENBERGER 405 INDIAN RIVER AVENUE TITUSVILLE, FL 3279 321-368-7184   GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME; ALL THE TIME, GOD IS GOOD!  AMEN?   “The Armor of God”         God’s Word is our armor for today and for every trial that will come our way.   May we take that shield of faith and take a strong stand for our Lord.   When satan comes to try and tear us down, we have Jesus strong arms to lean on.   As Christians, we can stand against the things that come into our lives.   We are told to take up the shield of faith so we will extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.   I find that when we take our eyes off Jesus, we lose out.   We need to give everything to God, who will care for us just as he cares for the sparrows that fall.   God loves us all the same and waits to embrace us with His loving arms.   He wants us to worship only Him because one day, we will live with Him forever.   It’s not what we have done to


                                              JULY 2024 NEWSLETTER ROBERT LINDENBERGER         TITUSVILLE TOWERS APT 504     405 INDIAN RIVER AVENUE         TITUSVILLE, FL 32796   Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.                1 Thessalonians 5:18 ESV   The Lord will certainly deliver and draw me to Himself from every one of us out of evil.  He will preserve and bring His heavenly kingdom.  To him be the glory forever and ever.  Amen (so be it).  – 2 Timothy 4:18 ESV   WOW!  I am excited about sharing this newsletter.  Here is the reason why.  God speaks to me through AI.  I was sitting at my desk looking at my laptop and said, “Lord, what should be our newsletter for July?”  And an email popped in from a friend I had as a pen pal.  I had saved all our conversations on a 3-inch floppy disk.  I no longer have a 3-inch floppy disk drive on my computer but I do have all the floppy disks in a suitcase.  I was so shock


                                              JUNE 2024 NEWSLETTER ROBERT LINDENBERGER TITUSVILLE TOWERS APT 504 405 INDIAN RIVER AVENUE TITUSVILLE, FL 32796    Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  Proverbs 3:5         I would like to share a story that happened when I was in Royal Oaks, but before I do, I would like to share a conversation Jesus and I had: Me: Thank you, Lord, for one more day on planet Earth.  I have this problem, Lord, and the problem is me.  I am an old man, 89, to be exact.  I was looking back over my life.  I seem to dwell on the bad things I did and wonder why you put up with me.  I’m not good-looking, and I shuffle when I walk, and when people talk to me, I have to say, WHAT???  I feel useless, Lord, and in everyone’s way.             JESUS: I approve of you, My child.  Because you are Mine – I adopted into My royal family – I see you through the eyes of grace.  I chose you before the world’s creatio


                                               MAY 2024 NEWSLETTER ROBERT LINDENBERGER TITUSVILLE TOWERS ALF 504 405 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE TITUSVILLE, FL  32796   GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME; ALL THE TIME, GOD IS GOOD!         God hears and answers prayer.  He answers yes, no, and wait.  Well, I must say I have an answer to prayer after 66 years.  When I was going to college, I took a course in Journalism 101.  At that time, newspapers were the way to spread the news.  The course taught us how to write newspaper articles on how to present good news.  At the end of the course, we were to write an article and submit it to the newspaper.  Mine never got accepted”, even though I prayed: God help my article to be accepted.  Hallelujah!  After 66 years, God has been faithful in answering prayers.  I submitted an article to the editor of the Towers Tibrune, and it was accepted.  Here is the article: “God loved me to help others…  Hello, my name is Bob, God is good all the time; all